Management staff of the Mettmann district police authority

Handschlag Landrat Hendele und Abteilungsleiter Schulte vor dem Polizeigebäude Mettmann
Management staff of the Mettmann district police authority
Police management in the district police authority is the responsibility of the head of the police department, Mr. Thomas Schulte. The head of the authority is District Administrator Thomas Hendele.

The management staff supports the Head of Police Department in all cross-divisional management and leadership tasks and is responsible for

- Fundamental matters of the authority
- Strategy and controlling at authority level
- Systematic quality management
- cross-directorate project management
- Core task-oriented process management
- Management of the management and leadership conferences
- Management of health management
- Creation of the safety program of the KPB Mettmann

Accessibility of the management staff

KPB Mettmann
Management staff
Adalbert-Bach-Platz 1
40822 Mettmann

Phone 02104 982-3101
Fax 02104 982-3218

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110