Recruitment for the police in the Mettmann district

Bild zeigt Personalwerberin Nicole Rehmann
Recruitment for the police in the Mettmann district
Are you interested in a career as a police officer in the Mettmann district? Then get in touch with our recruiters Nicole Rehmann (dual course of study for police commissioner) and Jennifer Sa Galante Baasch (police technical college course)!

On 25.08.2024, the recruitment department of the Mettmann district police authority will be represented at the Blue Light Day in Wülfrath.
Visit us at our stand between 11 am and 5 pm! We will be happy to answer all your questions about the NRW police profession.
Location: Parking lot Anger Markt, 42489 Wülfrath

The recruiters at the Mettmann District Police Department offer:

- Individual counseling appointments, also outside office hours
- Trade fair/school and career information events
- Support during the application phase/study
- Test training for the selection process
- Acceptance of the German Sports Badge
- Contact person for all those interested in a career
- Advertising and participation in sporting events
- Girls' and Boys' Day
- Comprehensive information package about the police

The recruitment requirements are presented on the information portal "Genau mein Fall!"

***NEXT LEVEL - Fachoberschule Polizei***

A new path to the NRW police force for students with an intermediate school leaving certificate
- that is the Fachoberschule Polizei. This starts with a two-year course
at one of 15 corresponding vocational colleges in NRW in August 2024.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110