Distribution of responsibilities and organizational chart

Bild zeigt Polizeigebäude Mettmann
Distribution of responsibilities and organizational chart
Four directorates for your security, a central management team in Mettmann and security locations in all towns in the district

Since December 2011, the district police authority has been organized according to the state-wide directorate model. This means that within the police department, the central management team in Mettmann is responsible for all tasks in the four directorates

  • Danger Prevention/Employment (Directorate G/E)
  • Crime (Directorate K)
  • Transport (Directorate V)
  • Central Tasks (Directorate ZA)

are structured as follows

Information on the individual directorate areas can be found in the directorate articles. The respective tasks are coordinated and managed in the central management team in Mettmann. The respective distribution of tasks can be found in the business distribution plan of the authority.

You can view the schematic organizational chart of the Mettmann district police authority in higher resolution as a PDF document in the download area.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110